fluid and electrolyte balance nursing

If the body needs to conserve water, however, this compensatory mechanism can’t be used. Capillary membranes: The walls of the blood vessels. 2. ABGs: evaluate acidosis/alkalosis as a possible contributor. Hyponatremia causes hypoosmolality since sodium plays such a big role in serum osmolality.When looking at hyponatremia it is important to know if it is in the setting of decreased, increased, or normal ECF volume. The opposite happens during alkalosis. This is not a problem and doesn’t need treatment as long as ionized Calcium is within normal limits. Intake: PO fluids (all drinks and foods that are liquid at room temperature), IV Fluids (exact amounts given should be recorded), irrigation (any irrigation that is not pulled back out should be documented), tube feedings (all administered tube feeds and any water flushes). Typically we only absorb 20-30% of dietary calcium. The body has many regulatory mechanisms to maintain homeostasis of the fluids. Potassium Replacement via oral or IV medication: 40-80 mMol/day IV divided doses. Marianne is a staff nurse during the day and a Nurseslabs writer at night. The body adapts over time by decreasing the concentration within the cells of the central nervous system. Water is found around cells, inside cells, within vessels, and around organs. Active transport: Active transport is required to move molecules against a concentration or chemical gradient. D. Tetany. Hypovolemia is a decrease in intravascular fluid/blood volume. 25 liters. Clemson University. Heart rate may be altered with disorders of potassium or magnesium. The effect lasts about 6 hours. If you increase sodium you increase concentration. Facilitated diffusion: Large molecules or molecules that aren’t lipid soluble require facilitated diffusion. There must be a concentration gradient for diffusion to occur. Nurse Salary 2020: How Much Do Registered Nurses Make? Feel Like You Don’t Belong in Nursing School? respiratory distress, diarrhea, irritability, anxiety, muscle weakness, paresthesia, abdominal cramping, anuria, ECG changes, hyperreflexia, Dialysis: removes potassium from the body. The body has many regulatory mechanisms to maintain homeostasis of the fluids. Pressure is a force applied to a surface. Increased intake: vitamin D excess with increased GI absorption, fertilizer poisoning, excess administration of phosphorus supplements, excess use of Phosphorus containing laxatives or enemas, Extracellular shifts: respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, infection, Movement of phosphorus out of cells: Neoplastic disease (leukemia, lymphoma), increased tissue catabolism (trauma, crush injury), tumor lysis syndrome, chemotherapy, rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of striated muscle), Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): assess renal status, Imaging: assess bone density: osteodystrophy, Parathyroid hormone: decreased – identify hyperparathyroidism, Serum calcium: help identify primary cause, Watch the NURSING.com Lesson on Magnesium, Decreased intake: decreased GI absorption- malabsorption, Excess GI loss (vomiting, diarrhea, nasogastric suction, fistula), alcoholism, cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, preeclampsia, hemodialysis, hypercalcemia, hypothermia, burns, sepsis, wound debridement. A: Anorexia is a manifestation of hypomagnesemia while nausea is a sign of hypercalcemia. Assess the patient with a fluid or electrolyte imbalance for falls, especially older adults. During the lack of insulin, acidosis, and increased catabolism potassium moves out of the cells into the blood. Maintained fluid volume at a functional level. C: A salt is a combination of a base and an acid and is created when the positive ions of a base replace the positive hydrogen ions of an acid. Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP): A hormone made in the heart ventricles in response to increase stretching. The cells in the brain adapt by increasing intracellular osmolality. Hypervolemia is an increase in extracellular fluid (intravascular and interstitial fluid). A. Aqueous fluid and lymphatic fluid. D. Nuts and legumes. If severe K+ should be replaced via IV: no more than 10-20 mmol/per hour or 30-40mmol/l (unless severe) IV K+ via peripheral line can cause irritation to vessels. Replace magnesium: If Mg is the cause of deficiency, replace. Fluid and electrolyte balance Fluid and electrolyte balance McLafferty , Ella; Johnstone , Carolyn; Hendry , Charles; Farley , Alistair 2014-03-19 00:00:00 FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE balance is crucial in maintaining homeostasis within the body. D. Skin and kidneys. If intake is high, or tissue catabolism occurs the kidneys will quickly compensate and excrete excess serum potassium via the urine. Water moves across a semipermeable membrane via which process? ECF totals about 15 Liters. A base. D: The skin and kidneys are not involved in pH regulation. B: Demadex is not recommended for patients with mild fluid volume excess. KHCO3 or K citrate if metabolic acidosis is present. B. Oliguria Acid-base balance is another important aspect of homeostasis. Once you are finished, click the button below. Green leafy vegetables D. An acid. Weights should be taken at the same time each day using the same scale if possible. It is important to understand the different characteristics of IV fluids available. D: 4,000-6,000 ml is inadequate fluid intake. Skin: exercise, fever, burns, or cystic fibrosis. Dextrose solutions: provides free water which is distributed to intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid, replete total body water deficit. Electrolytes are the engine behind cellular function and maintain voltages across cellular membranes. Nursing care plan and goals for fluid and electrolyte imbalances include: maintaining fluid volume at a functional level, patient exhibits normal laboratory values, demonstrates appropriate changes in lifestyle and behaviors including eating patterns and food quantity/quality, re-establishing and maintaining normal pattern and GI functioning. When levels of calcium are low parathyroid hormone is released from the parathyroid gland. The nephron helps filter out excess water and solutes from the blood. Cortisone: Steroids compete with Vitamin D for absorption in the small intestines. A: 500-900 ml is inadequate fluid intake. The pressures described above help maintain fluids within the different compartments. Inside NURSING.com, we have an entire Lab Values course that covers fluid and electrolytes, acid-base balance, and must know lab values. Method for Mastering Nursing Pharmacology, 39 Things Every Nursing Student Needs Before Starting School. In this case intravenous therapy will provide a volume of fluid to maintain Mr Foyle’s hydration and electrolyte balance while he remains nil by mouth and to replace the electrolytes currently being lost via the nasogastric drainage. increase urinary ca and phosphorus excretion. B: CSF is not a part of ECF while interstitial fluid is. The following chart lists the electrolyte content of different fluids in the body and compares them to the IV fluid that most resembles plasma: lactated ringers. You have not finished your quiz. They separate intravascular fluid from interstitial fluid. Levels below 115 mMol/L can cause seizures or coma. A: Active transport mechanisms require specific enzymes and energy expenditure in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Nurses may use effective teaching and communication skills to help prevent and treat various fluid and electrolyte disturbances. When plasma potassium concentrations are high the adrenal cortex releases aldosterone which will increase excretion of potassium.Tip: Aldosterone can also be stimulated by postsurgical stress or volume depletion. In this section we will discuss different types of movement that occur across body membranes. The different fluids in the body are unique in their electrolyte content. PTH also increases renal excretion.Close relationship between calcium and phosphorus. Output: urine output, profuse sweating, nasogastric tube suction, draining fistula, rapid breathing liquid stool, wound drainage, vomiting. Serum Albumin: if albumin is decreased it may cause decreased magnesium level, Serum Calcium: decreased – due to decreased action of PTH caused by, Serum Ionized Mg: decreased – tends to reflect intracellular magnesium, Serum Magnesium: decreased (can be normal despite low intracellular magnesium), Serum Potassium: decreased – hypokalemia may be resistant to replacement if the cause is a problem with the sodium-potassium pump – magnesium may need to be repleted first, oral Mag-Ox in mild or chronic hypomagnesemia, Increased intake: antacids laxatives that contain magnesium, enemas, laxatives, excess admin of IV MgSo4, excess magnesium in TPN, Decreased excretion: renal failure, adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison’s disease, hypothermia), Untreated DKA, cortical insufficiency, hemodialysis using magnesium rich dialysate, Retention of water and sodium: cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, heart failure, excess glucocorticoids, Excess fluid administration: excess IV fluids, excess fluid in total parenteral nutrition. most of the evacuees were diagnosed with hypokalemia. C. Milk and yogurt Answer: A. Extracellular fluid: Fluid outside of the cell. 10. C: Lack of coordination is not a manifestation of hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia. Excessive fluid and electrolyte loss must be replaced to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the two main compartments. Kayexalate: Kayexalate is a resin that binds to potassium in the colon so that it is excreted. A weight change of 1 kg is equivalent to a loss or gain of 1 liter of fluid. To maintain electric equilibrium potassium moves out of the cell in response. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, nasogastric suction are all modes of fluid loss. C: Postural hypotension a clinical manifestation of hypokalemia. The effect lasts 1-2 hours. After a few days of drinking from the faucet, many evacuees, mostly children, experienced severe diarrhea and vomiting. A clinical manifestation not found in hypokalemia is: A. Blood products: increase intravascular fluid only, Medical conditions: Crohn’s disease, diabetes mellitus, etc, That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School. The most characteristic manifestation of hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia is: D: Decreased levels of calcium and magnesium leads to tetany. Respiratory rate will be elevated in metabolic acidosis. Maintenance of fluid volume at a functional level. Usually KCl since vomiting and diuretics cause Cl loss as well. They are useful in different situations. Carrier proteins can become saturated with excess substrate (molecule upon which an enzyme acts). Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, Student Notes(4) - Fundamentals of Nursing: the Art and Science of Nursing Care midterm exam study guide with notes from the book and lecture . Decrease phosphorus: insulin, glucose, carbohydrate (phosphorus shifts into the cell due to increased needs for of phosphorus during metabolism), alkalosis, specifically respiratory alkalosis due to intracellular shift of phosphorus.Increase phosphorus: respiratory acidosis can cause shift of phosphorus out of cell, increased intake, intestinal absorption increased, bone reabsorption, impaired renal excretion.PTH causes increased GI absorption, increased movement of phosphorus out of bone. D: Tap water intake should be restricted for patients with hyponatremia. The concentration gradient of sodium that is established by the pump allows for the transport of glucose in to the cell.The pH affects potassium as well. Treat underlying cause: partial parathyroidectomy for hyperparathyroidism, chemotherapy for malignant disease, or discontinue ca supplements, vitamin A, vitamin D, thiazide diuretics in renal patients.IV NS solution: Administer rapidly to increased Ca excretion via urine. If positively charged ions move into the cell they will be followed by negatively charged ions. B: Diffusion, or the process of “being widely spread”, is the random movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. C. 2,000-3,000 ml. D. Vascular fluid and CSF. Just like BNP, ANP works to increase sodium and water excretion by the urine. In severe depletion, rapid increase in intravascular fluid is priority.Treatment with IV FluidsCrystalloid, Look for medical history that might be associated with fluid or electrolyte disturbances. D: Vascular fluid and CSF is not a part of the ECF. weakness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, polyuria ( from nephrogenic diabetes insipidus), bone pain, fractures, itching, flank pain ( renal calculi), confusion, depression, stupor, coma, personality changes, paresthesia, ECG findings: shortening of ST segment and QT interval, prolonged PR interval. Hemodialysis: with low calcium dialysate in renal failure patients. The most characteristic manifestation of hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia is: A. Anorexia and nausea. Urine osmolality: increased, increased concentration, Urine specific gravity: increased, more concentrated urine as the body tries to conserve fluid, Serum electrolytes: – Potassium: low in GI or renal loss; high in adrenal insufficiency – Sodium: low due to thirst and increased water intake, high with sweat loss, Isotonic Normal Saline: increases intravascular fluid, without increasing intracellular fluid, Saline/Electrolyte solutions: provides fluid and electrolytes (K+, Ca+, Lactate, acetate), hypotonic fluid is used for maintenance fluids, isotonic fluid will replace fluid loss (most fluids lost are isotonic). An electrolyte is a substance that will disassociate into ions when dissolved in water. Later on, muscle weakness is becoming evident, and abdominal distention are noted. The primary organs involved in pH regulation are: A: The kidneys and lungs are the primary organs involved in pH regulation. Calcium is found in the ECF but less than 1% of total body Calcium is there. Electrolytes are minerals in your body that have an electric charge. Increased intake: replete via oral intake: 1000-1500 mg/ day, Decreased excretion: renal failure, thiazide diuretics, Bone breakdown: prolonged immobility, fractures, malignant diseases, Paget’s disease, hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypophosphatemia, Increase absorption: Vitamin D or Vitamin A overdose, Imaging: assess bone density, identify kidney stones, Parathyroid hormone: increased in hyperparathyroidism, Serum Calcium: elevated, assess serum albumin level: for every 1g/dL drop in albumin there is a drop in calcium of 0.8- 1 mg/dL decrease in serum calcium. In chronic hypernatremia this adaptation has occurs, and symptoms are minimal. Results of diagnostic testing and laboratory studies. C: HydroDIURIL is not the diuretic that blocks sodium reabsorption in the distal tubule. When calcium levels are too high the thyroid gland releases calcitonin. Water can move freely from vessels into cells or interstitial spaces. A: Muscle weakness is a clinical manifestation of hypokalemia. This decreases calcium absorption as well. Conrad Jackson is a 28-year-old male who presents to the Emergency Department with severe fatigue and dehydration secondary to a four-day history of vomiting. This makes sodium a good indicator of hydration. They are in your blood, urine, tissues, and other body fluids. The following are laboratory studies useful in diagnosing fluid and electrolyte imbalances: Treatment of fluid and volume imbalances needs accuracy to avoid consequences that can result in complications. Start studying Fundamentals of Nursing - Chapter 41 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - Chp. This tool aims to assess the competency level of criticalcare nurses for maintaining fluidand electrolyte balance. Component of ATP (important form of stored energy in the body), Watch the NURSING.com Lesson on Phosphorus, Inadequate intake: TPN with inadequate phosphorus, Intracellular fluid shifts: insulin, carbohydrate load, respiratory alkalosis, androgen therapy, refeeding syndrome, malnutrition, Tissue repair: phosphorus is needed to help with energy supply during tissue repair, Increased Excretion: decreased magnesium, decreased potassium, hyperparathyroidism, thiazide diuretics, ATN, Fanconi’s syndrome, Decreased absorption or intestinal loss: phosphorus binding antacids (aluminum, calcium, magnesium), vomiting, nasogastric suction, diarrhea, malabsorption, vitamin D deficiency. Nurses need an understanding of the pathophysiology of fluid and electrolyte balance to anticipate, identify, and respond to possible imbalances. Fluid and electrolytes nursing quiz. Calcium gluconate IV can help counteract the cardiac and neurologic effects of hyperkalemia. It could case dangerous cerebral edema.thirst, fatigue, irritability, altered mental status, coma, fever, flushed skin, peripheral edema, postural hypotension, tachycardia and tachypnea, muscle twitching, deep tendon reflexes. Most phosphorus in the body is in the form of phosphate. Various elements and processes in the body work together to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. Both dietary intake and bone breakdown can lead to increase in calcium levels Calcium is lost in gastrointestinal secretions, urinary excretion, bone deposition, and sweat (in small amounts). Increased Intake: excess potassium rich foods, salt substitutes, transfusions of whole blood or packed red blood cells. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP): A hormone made in the right atrium of the heart in response to increase stretching. Replace sodium, fluid and other electrolytes like potassium and bicarbonate. Urine osmolality: increased as kidneys reabsorb water. The amount of Potassium outside the cell helps maintain the resting membrane potential. The nurse should expect that a patient with mild fluid volume excess would be prescribed a diuretic that blocks sodium reabsorption in the distal tubule, such as: D: Lasix is a diuretic commonly prescribed for patients with mild fluid volume excess. Because of the nature of the membrane some particles can move freely while others must be transported. B. D. Restricting tap water intake. It is calculated using osmolality.Osmolarity: The number of particles in a solution by mass (mOsm/kg). In a liquid, they will naturally move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. A buffer. Q's. To put everything together, the body has many different compartments. In hyponatremia fluid moves out of the blood and into the interstitial spaces. This leads to decreased blood volume and blood pressure. Potassium sparing diuretics: spironolactone, can help increase serum potassium, KCl salt substitutes: 1 tsp is equal to 60 mmol KCl, issue breakdown due to fever, sepsis, trauma, surgery, h, ABGs: identify acidosis as possible cause of hyperkalemia. B: 1,000-2,000 ml is inadequate fluid intake. In a fluid different characteristics of IV fluids available concentration between the inside of the total body is. Occurs the kidneys in response then converted to Angiotensin I, which then... Is adjusted too quickly it can indicate decrease in fluid volume can also affect temperature: hypovolemia can to. Diet with foods rich in protein kidney is the cause levels get below 120 neurological. Marked incorrect lie on the right and left side of the pathophysiology of fluid balance, cystic... High, or homeostasis, by transference of fluid deficit decreased blood volume and components. Lungs crackles or rhonchi may be present occurs when solutes in a fluid when assessing for of... 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