principle of courtesy in communication

1. Focus on ‘You’ attitude instead of I attitude. ‘Action speaks louder than words’, so a manager cannot enforce punctuality, if he himself is not punctual. An effective communication system is based on the following principles: First of all it should be clear in the mind of the sender as to what he wants to say. Obviously, this will depend on the needs of a given situation. Purpose of Communication 21. Smile, sound upbeat and keep your communication short. Content Guidelines 2. It is made to happen. Inconsistent messages always create chaos and confusion in the minds of people which is highly detrimental to the interest of the enter­prise. 9. 5. The need to make communication an effective instrument of organisational cohesiveness and control over it are well recognized. The medium employed may be formal or informal, oral or written, face-to-face or indirect, or an appropriate combination of them. Ideas should be clear and be devoid of any doubt. They are more effective than impersonal, unilateral and authority-oriented communication. Sometimes you might need a past reference, or may have to refer to different departments for clarification of certain points, or may need the consent of higher authorities. If the receiver happens to be capable more information can be given with the help of a few words. Informality, 9. Training to the communicators – Proper training should be given to the communicators in the communication skills. This will avoid chaos and confusion in the organisation. 6. (m) Participative processes can be more and more resorted to for both downward and upward communication. According to Terry the principle of effective communication is ‘first to fully inform oneself.’ The clearer the thought the more effective is the communication. Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management, 4 Important Skills Required to Make Communication Effective, Measures to Overcome the Barriers to Effective Communication, 5 Main Processes of Communication (With Diagram), Barriers to Effective Business Communication in an Organisation, Institutions Supporting Small Scale Industries in India, Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising, Principles of Effective Communication: Clarity, Language, Attention, Consistency, Timeliness, Content of Message and a Few Others, Principles of Effective Communication – Clarity in Ideas, Appropriate Language, Attention, Consistency, Adequacy, Proper Time, Informality, Feedback and a Few Others, Principles of Effective Communication – With the Suggestions Made by the American Management Association, Principles of Effective Communication – Understanding, Attention, Brevity, Timeliness, Appropriateness, Feedback and Constructive and Strategic Use of Informal Groups, Principles of Effective Communication – Language, Clarity, Purpose of Communication, Physical and Human Setting, Consultation, Content of Message and a Few Others, Principles of Effective Communication – Seven C’s of Effective Communication: Courtesy, Clarity, Conciseness, Completeness, Correctness, Concreteness and Credibility, Principles of Effective Communication – 17 Important Principles to Make Communication Effective, Principles of Effective Communication – Clarity, Attention, Consistency, Adequacy, Timeliness, Integration, Informality, Feedback and Communication Networks. The data given in a business communication should be verified f its correctness. As language reflects cultures, we begin the course by highlighting the need to take into considerations cultural values when we communicate in a multicultural community and workplace. Your receiver's viewpoints may or may not be the same as what you believe, but yet you show that you are non-bias. It should be kept in mind that words do not speak themselves, but the speaker gives them meaning. Communication should, therefore, satisfy the needs of the receivers. Upward communication, both tasks related and otherwise, is a very helpful means for executives to manage ticklish situations and to control the pace and pattern of events. (j) There is a clear need for supplementing formal communication channel with informal channels. For instance, while ordering for goods, one needs to make clear what is wanted, when it is needed, to whom and where it is to be sent and how the payment would be made. Feedback is a reversal of communication. Clarity, completeness, consideration, correctness, courtesy and consistency are also called C’s of effective communication. These are as follows: 1.Completeness - The communication must be complete. Following principles should be followed in order to make the communication effective: Principle of clarity, i.e., every point in the com­munication should be clear having no ambiguity and conveying the same sense and spirit. Proper medium of communication – There are different media for passing of communication. Nature of Relationship between Sender and Receiver: Relationship between the sender and receiver should be kept in mind while drafting the communi­cation. That may not be the case, it's just that maybe the other requests are more urgent or they came in first. Communication is an important tool for coordinating the efforts of various people at work in the organisation. (vii) Principle of the Constructive and Strategic Use of Informal Groups: The management must not hesitate in making a constructive and strategic use of informal groups; for ensuring and facilitating speedier communications in emergency situations. 5. courtesy 7C's of communication. Account Disable 12. From communicating via intra-office memos or letters to utilizing text messaging and social media, here are nine essential tips to not only meet but exceed professional standards for written communications in today's business culture. On the contrary, in case of a less capable receiver more details are needed. As it happens, there are few who react rationally to a communication. Stanley still showed understanding towards the IT teams' reason for not attending to their request to deal with the computers before. 2. However, in day-to-day work, it is not always possible to sense the receiver’s state of mind; even so, the sender should ensure that he uses polite words to evoke favourable response to his communication. Communication can be improved by the following suggestions made by the American Management Association: 1. Feedback – This refers to the actual response of the receiver to the message communicated to him. There is an advertisement of justDial(dot)com where a film celebrity presents the same message in dif­ferent formats and content to sustain the viewers’ interest. Communication is effective when the workers are receptive to it and are able to give relevant feedback. People specialized in their work like tax, accounts, sales, finance etc. Fast and automatic system of information flow should be built into the organisational structure, without affecting the accuracy of messages. The communicator or the sender should observe the following principles for effective communication in all types of communication: The sender must use simple language and the language should be known to the receiver. Should a communication appeal to emotion, or reason, or both, of the receivers? 3. The purpose for which communication was used must be achieved. Clarity of ideas gives meaning to the message. Hence, the message should be sent before the actual need keeping in mind the time required for communication. 4. For proper attention, the boss should note that he should not act in the manner he does not expect from others. Communication is perceived to be effective only if the receiver receives the message in the same form and context as it … A concise message saves time and energy of both sender and the receiver. It helps to understand the people. This naturally will depend on the purpose of communication and the type of receiver(s). So that presents a very positive note for Stephen. Language 5. The communicator must have feedback confirmation from the recipient whether the messages communicated have been understood in the same sense in which the sender takes it and also whether the recipient is agreed or disagreed the proposal. Choose non-discriminatory expressions. Communication should have courtesy and diplomacy. Information is complete when it answers five W’s— what, when, why, where and who. Wrong information will result in wrong decisions. Whenever possible, communicate something that helps or is valued by the receiver. Terms of Service 7. Communication should have a purpose. Finally, you will learn to build your personal profile and appropriately align yourself in a globalised workplace. Communication system should be able to absorb the changes in the organisation. Principle of attention, i.e., Communication must draw attention of the communicatee. Today, almost every manufacturer of toothpaste claims his product to be the best in the market, this leaves the consumer, particularly the gullible among them, utterly confused about which toothpaste to choose from among the several ‘bests’. Should Communication Appeal to Reason or Emotion? Virtues are closely related to spiritual principle. For example- the managers should make use of oral communication for individual communication and written communication for policy matters. Late messages are meaningless and the utility of communication is ended. The basic purpose of any communication is to elicit a behavioural response from the receiver. It avoids spreading of rumours and relieves top managers from scanning every information. Consistency should be maintained in sending messages. The latter serves to fill some of the gaps and lapses in the formal channels. Peers exchanging communication can let their friendliness reflect in what they say. Avoiding technical jargons used in one’s profession. Regards, Stanley. It is necessary to seek the participation of others in planning a communication. Name-calling, cursing, expressing deliberately offensive opinions—if you wouldn't do it to the face of anyone who might conceivably see what you write, don't write it. Business cards as an instrument of communication with business partners. This means the receiver accepting the statement of the sender as such. supports HTML5 video. If Stanley believes that he's writing to Stephen in an informal situation, then Stanley could sign off by saying best wishes or cheers or best or yours. My team, however, is working on an urgent and high priority project and I would greatly appreciate it if you could ask your team members to promptly respond to my team's concerns about the computers so that we are able to complete this project on time. In a country like India with several languages and dialects, the speaker should ensure that he does not let the accent of his mother-tongue creep into the language in which he is addressing the listener(s). Examine the true purpose of each communication. Yes, you can have your own opinion, but at the same time you respect the other people may not agree with you. Communication, to be effective, requires continuous follow-up. Principle of Clarity in Ideas 2. Choosing simple language and using simple words in place of high sounding words. This is the most im­portant principle of an effective communication system. and using empathy are some of the ways which can make communication courteous and effective. 7. What are the 7 C’s of Communication? Proper Medium 15. Language should be as simple as possible. The speaker should not just speak and get away from the communication site. 8. Simple language – The language used in communication should be simple and easily understandable. Okay, now let's have a look at a more courteous version of this letter. Co-operation of the personnel is necessary to make effective communication. iii. There should be a two-way communication. Understanding 16. He can furnish rentals per day, facilities provided, seasonal change in the rent, nearness to transport facilities, etc. Co-operation of personnel – Co-operation of the organisation personnel is essential in order to make communication effective. This helps in increasing the effectiveness of communication considerably. The principle of concreteness ensures supply of specific facts to the reader or listener. It is a long drawn process wherein the receiver thorough constant interaction with the sender understands the latter and accepts his statement to be true and honest. It helps the sender to get additional insight into and objectivity of the message. Develop Listening Habits (Consideration): Some people are good speakers but bad listeners. This will depend on the merits of each case. This is especially so in upward communication. According to this principle, communication system should maintain consistency in the objectives of the enterprise, its procedures and processes. In all types of communication, the communicator must keep in view the following principles in order to have an effective communication: 1. In the course ‘Establishing a professional ‘self’ through effective intercultural communication’, you will learn how to communicate effectively to establish relationships with colleagues in a culturally and linguistically diverse community and workplace. Principles of diplomatic etiquette and business communication with foreign partners (I) The article is devoted to Ushakov B.G. These special facts are known as ‘Principles of Effective Communication’. Principle # 10. Clear authority-responsibility structures facilitate answering questions like who will communicate with whom, who has authority over whom and increase the effectiveness of communication. The message should be clear and complete. They should be considerate towards needs, sentiments and emotions of the receiver. If it's more formal, then Stanley should sign off with things like best regards or kind regards. Establishing a Professional ‘Self’ through Effective Intercultural Communication, Effective Communication in the Globalised Workplace Specialization, Construction Engineering and Management Certificate, Machine Learning for Analytics Certificate, Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship Certificate, Sustainabaility and Development Certificate, Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization Certificate, Master's of Innovation & Entrepreneurship. So don't make assumptions about how people do not do what you asked them to do. COURTESY True courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspective of others, but also their feelings. Communication networks refer to the routes through which communication flows to the destination person for whom it is meant. In your delivery of your message, you show respect for the receiver, you show that you have your opinion, but yet you have considered your receiver's viewpoints. Communication is a means to an end, and not an end in itself. Communication must be a two-way process. must be made at the high time, when needed to be communicated to the recipient. 7. The messages should reach the receiver whenever they are needed. This is possible only when the receiver takes interest in the message and listens to it attentively. Any delay in communicating the messages will serve no purpose except to make them (messages) mere historical documents as they lose their importance and effectiveness by the lapse of time. You will learn to adopt appropriate intrapersonal and interpersonal, verbal and nonverbal, communicative strategies to present information based on the 7 communication principles. v. Using active voice in place of passive voice use ‘your prices are on higher side’ instead of ‘I thought that your prices are on higher side’. Consistency of message – All messages must be consistent with the objectives, policies and rules of the organization. 3. Her company offers online learning and coaching on topics such as workplace communication, conflict … 4. Stanley made an assumption that the IT team is deliberately ignoring their request. It is essential for the sender of the message that he should know about the success of the message. Be direct about what you want the other party to do, but the same time you have to make your request politely. (b) Adequate safeguards are to be built into the communication system to prevent transmission of conflicting and confusing messages to receivers. Clarity of message – The subject-matter, which is to be communicated, must be clear. Stanley shows reasons for why there is an urgent need for help, and very importantly shows appreciation for the help and shows respect. In other words, there is no room for misinterpretation. Proper Time 8. Each of these is required to meet the criteria of correctness. The system should allow free flow of information from the points of origin to destination. So, the sender should stop talking, because without stopping the talking, one cannot listen. Telephone etiquette: These are some basic manners that everyone in Business should follow because what you say represents you, your organization and your ideas. Communication must be complete to avoid confusion in the mind of the receiver. It means communication should be in accordance with the policies laid down for it. For one, Stanley write to Stephen, without any greeting. Technical words and words having various meanings should be used to the minimum. In other words, there should be transmission, re­ception and exchange of ideas from both sides. The Awesome Etiquette podcast is a weekly Q&A show where hosts, (cousins, and co-presidents of the Emily Post Institute,) Lizzie Post and Dan Post Senning answer audience questions, tackle etiquette topics in detail and salute good etiquette witnessed by the Awesome Etiquette audience. Inconsistent messages always create chaos and confusion in the minds of people which is highly detrimental to the interest of the enterprise. This is the most important principle of an effective communication system. Appropriateness 19. Well defined authority structure results in effective communication. 10. 4. Communication networks refer to the routes through which communication flow to the desti­nation person for whom it is meant. In order to make the communication system effective, the following principles or factors may be followed: The idea to be transmitted should always be in common and easily understandable language so that the communicatee may interpret the idea in the same sense and spirit, in which it is communicated. It increases the likelihood of the message being interpreted in the way it is originally intended. Timeliness. vi. So the way you greet people and sign off are also very important. If you show courtesy in your message, then it's more likely that you are able to achieve your own goal through your message. (h) All the activity units of organisation are to be connected with communication channels. Discourteous people will elbowed out of business. Any delay in communicating the messages will serve no purpose except to make them (messages) mere historical documents as they lose their im­portance and effectiveness by the lapse of time. Incomplete communication leads to assumptions and guesses and the consequent delay in further action plan. What the sender wants to convey must also be what the receiver wants to receive. Efficiency of communicator and communicates is also affected. The communicator should not lengthen or shorten any of these at the expense of the other. The message to be communicated must be brief; as usually the recipient, specially an executive, would not have much time to devote to a single piece of communication. Okay, and then Stanley says, can you ensure your team responds promptly to my team's requests from now on? It is possible only when individual objectives are integrated with the organisational objectives. In order to be effective and meaningful, the managerial function of communication must be guided by the following principles: Communication must be such, as transmits understanding of the communication message to the recipient; as per the intentions of the sender. A communication system that cannot absorb changes according to the need becomes meaningless. Actions must be congruent with communication. So for start you start before, Stanley did not greet Stephen with the dear or hi in the example A. The sender must strike a balance among these three forces – brevity, clarity and completeness. Prohibited Content 3. So you have to avoid that. Understand the physical and human environment when communicating. Concreteness means being specific, definite and vivid communication. This implies that the information should be adequate and complete in all respect. There should be unambiguous language. The volume of information should be just right, neither too much nor too little. Courtesy is one of the 7 C’s of communication, along with concise, clear, correct, concrete, complete and coherent. Complement your technical and managerial know-how with skills in diplomatic protocol to support your high-level engagement. Courteous Courtesy costs nothing but can earn many things. Communication should be an instrument to explain the situation to the employees. This promotes the credibility of the communication and promotes its acceptability. Feedback 10. Communication is perceived to be effective only if the receiver receives the message in the same form and context as it is sent by the sender. 6. Some of the principles of effective communication are:-, 1. Courtesy System form a sincere you attitude. For a practical application of this principle, it is imperative that not only must the message be expressed in a pleasant and sound manner; but also the purpose of the sender in making communication, must be absolutely clarified. One should use denotative words rather than connotative words. Physical and Human Setting 22. Brevity 17. So, now let's have a look at a better example of courtesy in example B. For electronic communication, the new rules of etiquette have been stabilised into a term NETIQUETTE. So it's damaged her understanding. Content of Message 23. Huge Collection of Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management shared by visitors and users like you. This decision of time helps him in reducing the effect of man’s emotions and moods. One’s image must im­prove by his communication. 6. Incomplete reply leads to further communication and wastage of time. Long messages become boring and may lose attention of the receiver. Action should be in line with the Message – The communicator should not act in any way which contradicts his message. The sender should know the type of action taken by the receiver. 6. This principle im­plies that communication should always be con­sistent with the plans, objectives, policies and programmes of the organization and not conflict­ing. We then move on to discuss some effective communication skills required to build relationships with colleagues in a globalised workplace. Information more than the need or less than the need is harmful. As far as possible unnecessary messages should be reduced to the minimum to make communication economical. Not long ago, many people in Delhi fed milk to statue of Lord Ganesh because they heard about others doing it. The receiver may take some action after receiving the message. Always be polite and be enthusiastic. Communication is effective where there are no barriers to communication. Modern technology has made available note-pads, I-pads and similar other devices for the purpose. In this way, the sender uses the opportunity to convey the message for enduring and immediate benefits to the receiver. The effectiveness of a system is measured in terms of its objective achievement. There are 7 C’s of effective communication which are applicable to both written as well as oral communication. Effective communication should be as clear as possible. The process of communication should be helpful in an effective exchange of information. The words used in the message should be simple—communication, especially business communication, should not be a means to demonstrate the language skills of the speaker/writer. Courtesy is the respect that we show to others and in business communication also it means the same thing. Correct channel – The correct channel of communication is to be chosen in order to make communication effective. There are certain principles observed in ensuring communication effectiveness. An efficient conversation over the phone truly is an art form. Messages should not be mutually conflicting – Messages should not be mutually conflicting and should be in line with the overall objectives and policies of the concern. An advance communication carries with it the danger of ‘forgetting’, on the part of the recipient, while a delayed communication loses its purpose and charm, and becomes meaningless, when the right time for action on it has expired. The industrial problems may be minimized by establishing an effective system of communication because a sense of co-operativeness will make the industrial relations better. So please cooperate with us and work overtime.”. 7. Be sure your actions support your communication. For example, a hotel manager is questioned about the types of rooms. In the written communication the sender can get the feedback by using appropriate means. The idea behind emphasizing on the feedback aspect of communication is that it helps the sender to modify his subsequent communications in view of the reactions of the recipient – making for better and improved human relations. Correctness means that the details of a message are accurate. Before transmitting any information, sender should ensure that the information is correct and fair. Perhaps it's just that the IT team is just so busy. The industrial problems may be minimised by establishing an effective system of communication because a sense of co-operativeness will make industrial relations better. (l) Effective communication is possible if the receiver has the skill of patient and perceptive listening. 2. Simple language means using ‘familiar words’ while transmitting the information. Providing additional information would go a long way towards taking better decision by the receiver. 3. The communicator should decide his tone of voice with reference to the content of the message. In this module, you will learn about the 7 principles of effective communication, and how you can effectively inform your colleagues based on the 7 principles of communication to inform. 7. Communicate messages those are of short-run and long-run importance. Here, listening refers to the reactions of the receiver. 10. Feedback is permitted through a two-way communication system. (d) Arrangements are to be made for prompt transmission of information to the needed areas. Rather than saving, “dispatch this mail as early as possible”, it will be better if the manager says, “dispatch this mail latest by tomorrow evening”; because the word ‘early’ can have different meaning for the manager and the clerk. To create an environment of courtesy when you’re in the room with a patient, try to make and keep eye contact with your patient. 8. Follow-up action – There should be follow-up action to know whether the recipient of the message has understood it correctly and the action he has taken is on the basis of that message. A letter from superior to subordinate will exude authority—’Do this, do not do that’ type. These are the ‘Ten commandments of good communication’. 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