use uses in a sentence

It should be noticed that the doctrine of superstitious uses is not confined to the Roman Catholic religion, though the question has generally arisen in the case of gifts made by persons of that religion. Its medicinal uses depend on the contained benzoic acid. Mines, torpedoes and submarines were all employed, and with the "Monitor" may fairly be said to have begun the application of mechanical science to the uses of naval war. I. ADVERB When used as an adverb, “yet” describes a time that starts in the past and continues into the present. Two uses of water are mentioned by Pausanias. Grecian tobacco is grown from Turkish seed and closely resembles Turkish tobacco in character and uses. "Compounding all the materials of fury, havoc, desolation, into one black cloud, he hung for a while on the declivity of the mountains. So that if, for example, a fishmonger uses such a machine to ascertain the weight of a piece of fish which he places in the goods - pan, and thereby depresses it down upon its stop, and then places weights in the weights-pan till the goods-pan rises, the customer is charged for more than the real weight of the fish. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. At the time of the secularization of Church properties there were about 120 religious edifices in the city - churches, convents, monasteries, &c. - many of which were turned over to secular uses. Custom in this respect was, however, exceedingly varied for a long time, numerous important Churches having their own "uses," and it was not until the time of the Reformation that the Roman use was fixed and became the norm of the Churches of the Roman obedience. The amice was worn first simply as a shoulder-cloth, but at the end of the 9th century the custom grew up of putting it on over the head and of wearing it as a hood, either while the other vestments were being put on or, according to the various uses of local churches, during part of the Mass, though never during the canon. Sentences build language, and give it personality. (For a list of vowel examples, see below.) This should not be confused with To be used to = accustomed to something (normally out of habit or experience) Notice how Used to ends in –ed which normally means the verb is in the past tense. 2. The view has been held that in the Eucharist the elements are only consecrated as regards the particular purpose of reception in the service itself, and that consequently what remains unconsumed may be put to common uses. The uses of the term being so various, its special signification in any case must be determined by the character of the passage in which it occurs; and an examination of the contents of Proverbs shows that the thought of the book differs widely from that of the literature prior to the 5th century B.C. In his lecture the teacher expanded on the uses of the English subjunctive mood. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? 17. Indeed, the acquired tendency to virtuous conduct may become so strong that the habit of willing it may continue, " even when the reward which 3 I should be observed that Austin, after Bentham, more frequently uses the term " moral " to connote what he more distinctly calls " positive morality," the code of rules supported by common opinion in any society. Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band. is a definite attack upon the heathen Sibyl - the Jews and Christians did not attempt to pass off their "forgeries" as genuine - as the mouthpiece of Apollo by a Jew who speaks for the Great God and yet uses a Greek review (49114) of ancient history from the Assyrian empire. 1), was the exact opposite of "faith" as the author uses it, especially in the chapter devoted to its illustration by Old Testament examples. Jeremiah, he thinks, always uses the same metre. If a cardinal, as rarely is the case, he uses the title pro-nuntius. To-day, by reason of other uses to which electricity is applied, electrically deposited copper of high conductivity is in everincreasing demand, and commands a higher price than copper refined by fusion. 8. Though Siberia has within itself all the raw produce necessary for prosperous industries, it continues to import from Russia all the manufactured articles it uses. ", Wagner, writing of the censuses of Sweden, said to have been taken in the 18th century, uses these words, "Since 1749 careful parish registers have been kept by the clergy and have in general the value of censuses.". This fact is overshadowed in England, partly by the habitual use of the word "gentleman" (q.v.) (b) He contends that, when matter ascends to the evolution of organic life, the unconscious has a power, over and above its atomic volitions, of introducing a new element, and that in consequence the facts of variation, selection and inheritance, pointed out by Darwin, are merely means which the unconscious uses for its own ends in morphological development. Good Uses of Yet in a Sentence. Or rather, there are two uses of induction: inductive discovery before deduction, and inductive verification after deduction. Anyone who uses your premises, and who disturbs asbestos that has deteriorated or been damaged and releases fibers, can be at risk. This massage uses Japanese style bodywork applying pressure to the body through hand & foot pressure. Two methods were used todetermine, in non-isothermal conditions, the sintering activation energy of UO2 and UO2+x oxides. bracken fronds have many uses, some of which are applicable in organic farming. I used to work in a SuperMarket The court may compel discovery of a secret trust for superstitious uses. A deduction is often like an induction, in inferring from particulars; the difference is that deduction combines a law in the major with the particulars in the minor premise, and infers syllogistically that the particulars of the minor have the predicate of the major premise, whereas induction uses the particulars simply as instances to generalize a law. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Four of the medieval historians from whom he quotes most frequently are Sigebert of Gembloux, Hugh of Fleury, Helinand of Froidmont, and William of Malmesbury, whom he uses for Continental as well as for English history. "Chat"-finely crushed flint and limestone yielded as tailings in the lead and zinc minesfinds many uses. The power to bless in this ecclesiastical sense is reserved to priests alone; the blessing of the paschal candle on Holy Saturday by the deacon being the one exception that proves the rule, for he uses for the purpose grains of incense previously blessed by the priest at the altar. "He uses the formula: Praise and laud to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.". He used to be a sushi chef in Japan, i.e., he has a taste for good sushi. The document uses the British spelling for caesium. 24. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the wbsite is doing. Let's just try it. Other palms abound, such as the pinch!) But side by side with this language of everyday life a purer form of Dutch has continued to exist and find its uses under certain conditions. and V.) which may reasonably be assigned to the Temple at Jerusalem uses freely the name min', it may be inferred that the district where an objection was felt to writing the Tetragrammaton was some distance from Jerusalem, and probably not in such close touch with it as most of the country districts of Judaea would be. Reason is called common sense to distinguish it from ratiocination with uses logic and rational reasoning. Geography," in the sense in which he uses the term, signifies the delineation of the known world, in the shape of a map, while chorography carries out the same objects in fuller detail, with regard to a particular country. For example: I am used to driving on the left. Cicero uses the name vicarius to describe an under-slave kept by another as part of his private property. Justin Martyr (163-167) certainly uses the Gospel; but his conception of Jesus' life is so strictly Synoptic that he can hardly have accepted it as from an apostolic eyewitness. To indicate the variety of uses to which jute is applied, the following quotation may be cited from the official report of Hem Chunder Kerr as applying to Midnapur. Here are some examples. It is not only the conditions of growth, but the uses to which the different crops are put, that have to be considered in the case of rotation. The Caponord's ABS system uses BH DOT hydraulic hoses in flexible metal braid with PTFE inner tubing. During this process the wood shrinks considerably, and unless much care and attention are given to the drying wood it will warp and shake sufficiently to unfit it for practical uses. The arrangement of the building and floor framings is in a great measure governed by the architectural effect sought and by the arrangement and proper planning of the interior according to the intended uses; the positions of columns, girders and floor beams are usually the result of particular requirements, and unless complicated and expensive framing is to be expected the distance between columns must be kept within the limits of simple girder construction. 23. Used to expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past. The uses of an electroscope are, first, to ascertain if any body is in a state of electrification, and secondly, to indicate the sign of that charge. Now, all the uses of water, of whatever kind they may be, produce some such irregular diagrams as these, which can never be confused with the uniform horizontal line of leakage, but are always superimposed upon it. Papias uses the term "the Elders," or Fathers of the Christian community, to describe the original witnesses to Christ's teaching, i.e. Addendum Maududi uses Sura 9:11-12 to justify executing apostates. 3. In its original sense the chief uses are such as "the quick and the dead," of the Apostles' Creed, a "quickset" hedge, i.e. duschcn, to strike or fall), one who uses, or of using, the dowsing-rod (called "deusing-rod" by John Locke in 1691), or "striking-rod" or divining-rod, for discovering subterranean minerals or water. In the US, the data is sent after the first ring tone and uses the 1200 baud Bell 202 tone modulation. Binz, for instance, defines it as treating of the origin, nature, chemical and physical qualities, physiological actions, and therapeutical uses of drugs; in France and in Italy it is restricted to the mere description of medicines and their preparations, the action and uses of which as remedies are included in the term therapeutics. Again, without sentences, there’s no real communication. There are certain special uses of the word "conscience.". " In the British Isles, especially Ireland, there is (in addition to the Celtic-speaking elements) a considerable population which claims Celtic nationality though it uses no language but English; and further all Teutonic communities contain to a greater or less degree certain immigrant (especially Semitic) elements which have adopted the languages of their neighbours. But the influence of the court of Rome has gradually gone much beyond this, and has superseded almost all the local "uses.". He was armed with a musketoon (which he carried rather as a joke), a pike and an ax, which latter he used as a wolf uses its teeth, with equal ease picking fleas out of its fur or crunching thick bones. It is one of the headquarter stations of the Channel Squadron, which uses the harbour at Castletown Bearhaven on the northern shore, behind Bear Island, near the mouth of the bay. Among the palms there are several of great economic value, not only as food producers but also for various domestic uses. Give other uses of the fascia. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Aristotle was primarily a metaphysician, a philosopher of things, who uses the objective method of proceeding from being to thinking. 2. For the later period he uses the Greek Esther, with its additions, I Maccabees, Polybius, Strabo and Nicolaus of Damascus. Nevertheless the press uses much less power than the hammer, because much of the force of the latter is dissipated in setting up useless - indeed harmful, and at times destructive - vibrations in the foundations and the surrounding earth and buildings. For example, in the positive form it would be written as “I will be coming for dinner.” The ritual uses of these altars are sufficiently explained by their names. The real rule is that you have to use “an” in a sentence when a word has a vowel sound at the beginning. The word "gentleman" has lost its original meaning in a variety of other uses, while the word "nobleman" has come to be confined to members of the peerage and a few of their immediate descendants. Its viscid character, and its non-liability to dry and harden by exposure to air, also fit it for various other uses, such as lubrication, &c., whilst its peculiar physical characters, enabling it to blend with either aqueous or oily matters under certain circumstances, render it a useful ingredient in a large number of products of varied kinds. The below list details the cookies used in our website. 6. After the raising of the duty on barley under the McKinley and Dingley tariffs that trade was practically destroyed and Canadian farmers were obliged to find other uses for this crop. The uses of atropine in cardiac affections are still obscure and dubious. This meant that throughout all Germany medieval ecclesiastical rule was to be upheld, and that none of the revenues of the medieval church could be appropriated for Protestant uses. Find more ways to say uses, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Example sentences with the word where. 26. English Examples of Determiners and Use in a Sentence Table of Contents Examples of Determiners and Use in a SentenceDefinite Article: TheIndefinite Article: A, AnDemonstratives: That, This, These, ThosePronouns and Possessive Determiners: My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, TheirQuantifiers: Any, Enough, Most, Some, Many, A Lot Of, Much, A Few and A LittleNumbers: One, Two, ThirtyDistributives: All, Both, Each, Every, Neither, Either, HalfDifference Words: … 4.1 Chemical Reactivity 4.2 Solubility 4.3 Compounds 4.4 Ferrous Oxide 4.5 Magnetite 4.6 Ferric Acid 4.7 Halogen Compounds 4.8 Ferric Chloride 4.9 Ferrous Bromide 4.10 Sulfur(Sulphur)Compounds 4.11 Nitrides and Nitrates 4.12 Phosphides, Phosphates 4.13 Arsenides and Arsenites 4.14 Carbides, Carbonates 4.15 Medical Uses. He uses to the utmost his powers of fascination. Klein also prepares a new prophylactic from the dried organs of a guinea-pig, and one of the most interesting experiments is that of Strong (Archiv far Schiff sand tropische Hygiene, April, 1906), who uses for producing immunity in man a living virulent culture of the bacillus pestis. Borstal trainees were released at the outbreak of war and premises converted to other uses. The ozone so prepared has numerous uses, as, for example, in bleaching oils, waxes, fabrics, &c., sterilizing drinking-water, maturing wines, cleansing foul beer-casks, oxidizing oil, and in the manufacture of vanillin. Fox uses material ' so artless ' that the listener can hear each tone and how they are disposed. As it uses the Baudot telegraph alphabet it has an advantage in theory over the Wheatstone using the Morse alphabet in regard to the speed that can be obtained on a long telegraph line in the ratio of eight to five, and this theoretical advantage is more or less realized in practice. Omitting numerous minor applications of this drug, we may pass to two therapeutic uses which are of unquestionable utility. Thus the work was composed before 190, and, since it most probably uses the martyrdom of Polycarp, after 155. :)) – kiamlaluno Apr 9 '13 at 12:39 | 1 That is by the Arahat, the title the Buddha always uses of himself. A dog uses urine to mark its territory . "I thought I was the only one who uses an old-fashioned fountain pen," he said. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. 3. But besides these high metaphysical necessities for a medium, there were more mundane uses to be fulfilled by aethers. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In concluding treaties with the vassal princes since 1905, the Dutch have kept in view the necessity of compelling them properly to administer the revenues of their states, which some of them formerly squandered in their personal uses. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "who" Use who in a sentence. Pictures and stories, carved or painted, seemed no longer necessary now that the open Bible was in the hands of the common people; they had been too often prostituted, moreover, to idolatrous uses, - and " idolatry " was the worst of blasphemies to the re-discoverers of the Old Testament. Durabak - Do It Yourself truck Bedliners Uses include truck bed liner and concrete floor coating. If you have used “be” in a sentence where “will” is used positively, then you simply add the negative word, “not” after “will”. Using “ which…” in a sentence is one of the more confusing aspects of writing. He uses agate for the Fool, diamond for Strength, and carnelian for Justice. Rossall Hall was the seat of Sir Peter Fleetwood, but was converted to the uses of the school on its foundation in 1844. MEAN, an homonymous word, the chief uses of which may be divided thus. Again, the probability that the passage in Jeremiah incorporates disjointed fragments of an older oracle is greatly increased by the fact that the prophecy against Moab in the preceding chapter uses, in the same way, Isa. Especially in this last he shows a tendency to epigram and often uses humorous and pathetic expressions. It`was held by Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose, who uses the phrase pia fracas, Augustine, Leo I., and Gregory I., who expresses it in its worst form. The French census uses the commune as the basis of its returns, and employs the following classifications in respect to communal population: (I) Total communal population. divide items in a list where they contain commas and hence, a supercomma; E.g. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. He uses this psychical causality to carry out his voluntarism into detail, regarding it as an agency of will directed to ends, causing association and understanding, and further acting on a principle which he calls the heterogony of ends; remarking very truly that each particular will is directed to particular ends, but that beyond these ends effects follow as unexpected consequences, and that this heterogony produces social effects which we call custom. Without sentences, language doesn’t really work. The uses of chloroform which fall to be mentioned here are: - as a counter-irritant; as a local anaesthetic for toothache due to caries, it being applied on a cotton wool plug which is inserted into the carious cavity; as an antispasmodic in tetanus and hydrophobia; and as the best and most immediate and effective antidote in cases of strychnine poisoning. 29. Example sentences with the word uses. The indigo and cotton plantations yield little profit, owing to foreign competition, and have in most cases been converted to other uses. Sometimes, if you have already used ‘that’ in a sentence, you may choose to write ‘which’ in order to avoid repetition of the word ‘that’. reserved to sacred uses and preserved from the contaminating influence of evil spirits. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. He got what he worked for; the promotion is well deserved. The principal uses of rape oil are for lubrication and lighting; but since the introduction of mineral oils for both these purposes the importance of rape has considerably decreased. The language this computer uses is BASIC. Did you use to play among us? Borchers uses the alloy, granulated, in an anode chamber separated from the cathode cell by a porous partition through which the current, but not electrolyte, can pass freely. We arrive thus at two distinct and opposite uses and values of fur. In fact any domestic appliance, which uses electricity, from a fridge to a vacuum cleaner, will generate an EMF. in various secondary uses, partly by the prevalent confusion between ai dg retry. If it’s just additional information that’s useful but unnecessary, use which. Speculators either directly employed slaves as artisans or commercial and banking agents, or hired them out, sometimes for work in mines or factories, sometimes for service in private houses, as cooks, flute-players, &c., or for viler uses. Napier uses abundantes and defectivae for positive and negative, defining them as meaning greater or less than nothing ("Abundantes sunt quantitates majores nihilo: defectivae sunt quantitates minores nihilo"). The oculist uses it for at least six purposes. Charlesworth explains why he uses a bevel that has three angles on it.

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