i have trust issues with my boyfriend

We cannot heal someone else or make them do anything - the work comes from within. Remember it's never too late to change. I never intended on meeting up with this friend and it was never anything more than just a friend. I love my husband, but when I come home from a 13.5 hour work day nothing is ever done and yet he is constantly exhausted and even our sex life has faultered. Ernest Hemingway said it well when he said, "The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.". Kristy Sayer from Sydney, Australia on July 14, 2012: First of all, hi-5 to you for writing this! I also have trust issues because of men abusing me all the time, lying, cheating, stealing. Not allowing people to know all about you until you are sure that you can trust them. When she tells me something I feel like she is lying to me like she has before. When things go wrong, then we start examining the whys and what fors, but until then, most of us go blindly on as we're used to doing. How can I prove to him that I'm all about him and only him? It was at the very beginning and was a horrible mistake. By being honest about them, that means expressing yourself but not expecting that our partner is going to simply not communicate with other people. I broke his trust more then once. My (F19) boyfriend (M22) have trust issues from previous relationship - thinks I'm cheating on him. Cheating is also a sign of having trust issues. Huffah! If you are currently dating a guy who has a history with an unfaithful partner, you are dealing with someone who may have some serious trust issues. Sarah Dessen! Question: My boyfriend saw a message on my Instagram with an old friend from school not flirting or anything like that but he asked to catch up and I replied "ok whenever your free." Audrey is a medical transcriptionist and freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics, including grief and loss, pet care, and more. yes its been 6 years, but its not exactly healthy, your here seeking help. He would text me all day and I just assumed we were exclusive. Don't dwell on past issues but instead look to the future and a good relationship. Or is it a coincidence? I would encourage you just to try and take it one positive thing at a time and even him as well. Lack of trust in people would be putting it mildly. When we were together there were times where I cheated. Unless you are a double agent, giving your partner your password shouldn’t be difficult. When she tells me something, I feel like she is lying to me. The first time I cheated we were young teenagers and he has never let go of that. If you think about it, almost everything we do in life is about trust. He keeps telling me he doesn't love her anymore but I can't fully trust his words. Having some control is not a bad thing, yet trying to control somebody for things over which you have no control, is problematic. When we first started dating he seemed extremely confident and secure. There are, of course, instances where our distrust is accurate (if we have proof of someone cheating or being disloyal to us), but if we have no proof of that and we are merely feeling insecure in our position with this person, it is important to work on our self-esteem. What can I do to get my significant other's trust back? When both parties feel that they understand each other and can meet on common ground, that is the ultimate measure of success in any relationship. Answer: That is a tough one. I think that truly counseling is the way to patching up differences and assuring that we are really "letting it go." Are you projecting past trust issues onto this person or are the relationship trust issues real? And remember, even things that have been built well and have a solid foundation need occasional maintenance. Now I am not talking to any other boys but still, he thinks that I am interested in other boys. Thanks. I think you made many excellent points here, Audrey. Guys who have hurt others might also be reluctant to put their trust in another because they know first-hand that it’s very possible for that trust … Developing trust doesn't make a relationship perfect but it certainly clears away a lot of the debris and lets you get a healthy start at understanding each other and I agree - only honesty and listening truly glues it together. They cannot control each other. What can I do to help her move on? I don't bite! But keep in mind that not all relationships are salvageable. I don't think that is worth the anguish. There was never a raised voice or an argument witnessed, never a problem and a cloudless sky...until the mother suddenly died of cancer because she never told anyone she was sick and the world was never the same again. We all have different experiences. These are some of the signs of trust issues: Do you have a password on your phone? Thanks Audrey! If you feel confident in yourself and about yourself, everything seems to fall into place more easily. Your article has helped, but I will have to read it every day. I think it would be weird for someone to be so secretive about their phone - or their computer - or whatever. which would suggest that he has some trust issues deep inside. Shared. Trust is the vital ingredient in all relationships. How to over trust issues in a long-term partnership 1. It is really, really hard to put back trust when that has been violated - and on both sides, it sounds like. We had a big fight about that matter and I finally decided to stop talking. Blah Blah Blah! Can that be fixed and how? I think in my own case, the best thing I could do for myself is heal myself and that seemed to open the door for personal growth. He hasn't faced his issues head-on. #2 You think your partner lacks integrity. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on July 17, 2012: Thank you Sharilee - I do speak from the voice of experience there as I finally realized after many decades that I myself had some trust issues. Sometimes it will take counseling and dedicated efforts to resolve trust issues. Looking at the major trust issues that these two people have, you would not expect that they would be able to sustain a meaningful relationship nor a long term one. All you can do is start anew and try really hard to never say things when you are emotional or angry. Archived. That's right—it's not really about trusting (completely) the other person. That alone is kind of hard to work around— he is … Focus on what you want to do today, not a year from now. Issues arise when the trust you have placed in others gets destroyed. The key is trying to figure out how to handle those issues and coexist in a healthy relationship rather than one of proving yourself over and over. It all matters about proving to people sometimes that may be a little insecure that truly you are above board. Consciously or subconsciously, somewhere along the way, there is going to be some expectation in the back of the person's mind that "the other shoe is going to drop" and their world is going to be tilted off its axis. Are you afraid that if you were the "real" you, the other person would walk away? Before we started dating, I was seeing one of his friends, and he was trying desperately to get me to see him instead. I guess it all began on Christmas eve. Answer: Words are the gift that keeps on giving. Bob and I have managed to rub along nicely for many decades though in the beginning I sure had my doubts we would endure~, Good for you and Monique too - it's a cruel world out there in many ways or at least a frightening one - I'm always grateful that I have someone to step along beside me who makes my days lighter and easier. Relationship problems come in all sizes and shapes but in order to have a good relationship, it can't exist without trust. A lot of times, prematurely entering relationships leads us to bring unresolved problems from previous relationships. Answer: Some people flirt and like being attractive to other people. What do I do? If someone is worth it though, you will realize a good payoff from the caring! I really enjoyed this hub. Talk with your boyfriend about the loss of trust. Brainstorm ideas on how to turn this into a healthy relationship and eliminate these trust issues. Trust takes time. 1. Best put - "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved." Trust is a very crucial thing in a … Even though my boyfriend doesn’t have “trust issues” per se, I do understand why it’s difficult for him to blindly trust me. Just by expecting certain things to continually happen, we prove that we do or by our reluctance to engage with people, we say a mouthful - silently. Finding little ways to trust is also a helpful posture to take. Question: I am honest but sometimes I talk to other boys and he knows that. What To Do If Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Trust You 1. When you trust your significant other, it means you give the benefit of a doubt, no matter how inexplicable the situation may be. Self-protection with the ability to give yourself without reservation. I probably sound like a broken record, but I do feel that counseling (individual or group) is the best way to healing ourselves. If there is no reason for me to be upset about why hide it? The best thing to do is to try and have a third party help you work through your issues - or even couples therapy can be very beneficial. Question: Is there such a thing as gut feeling? However, I feel tired of keep it inside, because I still have these crazy thoughts, and … Is liking another girl’s status acceptable? I am having trust issues with my boyfriend and low self confidence within myself. Learning to trust someone can be extremely difficult sometimes, but most of that lies within ourselves. What can I do? Question: I have developed heavy trust issues since my husband has been working away from home. Great advice - I think I will take it as well! What should I do? On the other hand, let's think of someone who grew up in an environment where nothing was ever said in an angry manner and relationships always seemed solid. If you haven’t given him a reason not to trust you then it isn’t on you, it is on him. Homebody Boyfriend May Have Trust Issues October 16, 2020 - Section 1 of 2 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Print Article DEAR HARRIETTE: My boyfriend and I live together. You feel hurt, betrayed, and scared to trust again. Trust issues in a relationship. Voice your feelings, concerns, and questions. A bit of real-world experience taught me otherwise, and I'm still working through understanding some of that. Question: I had trust issues ever since my ex-boyfriend cheated on me but now I'm in a new relationship and the trust issues are affecting my current relationship although my boyfriend has done everything he could to make me trust him, but I'm scared. When you do decide to go through with a relationship, it’s important to have complete trust, not only in him, but in yourself, too. Audrey. Buh bye now. Marisane, CC-ASA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Question: I constantly want to know who my partner is talking to, what can I do? It is normal sometimes in relationships to have things 'stall' a bit - and then again, it is possible to rejuvenate things by just being more spontaneous and/or doing different things together. So many people struggle with them. You cannot heal someone and can only heal yourself. Don't know how to talk to him about it. Was I wrong in letting go? Recently this issue has surfaced again, and this time in response to further assurances he shared that some issues in his past have led to him having trust issues that were not my fault. Call it your family of origin or where you came from, but all of your trust issues stem from how you grew up and the experiences that you had. I watched that happen with my mother and stepfather for decades as well as with my sister and brother-in-law. Between the two of us, sometimes our triggers collide. Lots of people have trust issues due to previous experiences in other relationships, and you can't blame them for being cautious about trust (to an extent). He says his trust issues stemmed from many experiences of having married/attached women throughout his life becoming attracted to him even though he did not reciprocate their affections. In my brief time alive, I’ve noticed that the problems most couples face are usually arguments that can be traced to insecurities masked as trust issues. Hope! Your partner may have experienced a terrible heartbreak before you met each other. Take today and every day as a new beginning and try to not go backward or look back at the past. Then tell him that you are facing some … I guess the important thing is to always remember that old saying about never judge someone until you've walked a mile in their mocassins or something like that. No one thinks about why they react the way they do until something bad happens—like trying to get through a breakup. Overcoming your trust issues in relationships is probably going to be difficult. I know I need therapy but what can I do in the meantime to explain this to him? The lies are a bit more difficult to handle. They never really go away. I would suggest speaking with a counselor about it because I am not really qualified to give in-depth advice. drbj and sherry from south Florida on July 16, 2012: The subject of trust and what it entails especially in a relationship is a serious one, Audrey, and you did a most credible, intelligent job of covering the subject. So, anyways, I hope you have fun and have no trust isses. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on July 14, 2012: Thanks, Kristy - I think being so old makes just about anything personal~ ha ha - been there and done that~ Thanks for stopping by. Relationships are like a contract with fine print. After a 20 year marriage that ended up in domestic violence, on the part of my ex wife, and 2 years after the divorce I am in a serious relationship that seems like it will eventually end in marriage. We have two children together. I hit my boyfriend who probably have trust issues and fucked my life. Sometimes you just have to grow into things and let time heal wounds - allow ourselves to grow. I don't bite! I don't know what to do or think anymore. Ah Crewman - I don't know how I sensed something like that but I kinda did. However, perhaps one of the biggest issues for many relationships and the cause of their demise is the result of a problem with trust. I have had trust issues due to my ex cheating on me, and I’ve caught my boyfriend in a couple of small lies, and have also checked his phone a couple of times (I didn’t find anything). Figure out why you do what you do. It is on a day-to-day and thing-by-thing basis pretty much. It’s tricky because the hurt factor is the main reason trust issues occur. Cheating is also a sign of having trust issues. yes its been 6 years, but its not exactly healthy, your here seeking help. Everyone on the planet has triggers. The only way to repair broken trust is to get to the bottom of the issue, solve the relationship problems by building trust again, and then move forward. Sharilee Swaity from Canada on July 17, 2012: Akirchner, you have done a good job at covering this topic. We can have issues with our partner or spouse who doesn't seem to take the relationship quite as seriously as we do or put enough effort into making it work. I hit my boyfriend who probably have trust issues and fucked my life. Your girlfriend/boyfriend can still respect your privacy while still having access to your phone. Photograpthy! Put the past behind, live in the present. That is a very good insight, and it makes sense. I would recommend that your boyfriend works on his self-esteem by talking to a counselor and finding out why he needs to control situations. Trust is such a key component in relationships. Be trustworthy. Let's add to that some scenes that perhaps a child should not have been privy too or some inappropriate ways to deal with anger or stress. We always talk through our feelings. Voted up and useful! Then lump in all that happened since you grew up and you begin to see the picture forming. Their life was not perfect but they managed somehow to hone out almost 40 years of marriage. It’s juvenile and devious. Question: It's taken me so long to get over my trust issues from previous relationships and now my partner is becoming harder and harder to trust. Out ways that these lies can be the result of trust problems gets smaller with every mistake week. Know who my partner disappoints me but I 'm still working through understanding some of lies... Jealousy, and can only heal yourself but hurt the other person you get into a relationship on! See that you have unresolved issues that are tough to write about because they expect it surefire way repair! 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